leisa ralph was born.

1973 July 07 - 14

Created by emma 16 years ago
she was cristend lisa but changed her name to leisa when she was 9 just because she wanted to spell it her own way. leisa ralph was born on July 07, 1973 in barking. she was a premature baby and weighed half a bag of sugar when she was born. she was in an incubator and did not take breast milk so her mum used a pump and her dad took it down to the baby room "nursery" so she could drink. day by day she grew until she was strong enough to leave hospital and go home. at that time she fitted between my dads hand and elbow and he would rock her there until and while she slept. i dont remember any thing about her younger years because i wasnt born so if anyone redaing this site that new her when she was a baby please leave anything you remember it would mean so much to me.