finlaes thoughts

2008 February 12

Created by emma 16 years ago
I love Leisa sooooo much even more than sweets! Her fave colour was lots of colours such as Pink,Purple,Blue,Green but mostly pink also she always thought i looked good in pink too but i dident agree because pink just wasent right for me because i looked like a baby well everyone thought i was about 6 yrs old because im very very small!and i thought sometimes what was she thinking! Leisa was the best and still is the best.Leisa changed her name when she was little it used to be lisa but she wanted to be diffrent so she named herself LEISA not lisa oh gosh and she used to wear this champane pigamas witch were qwite nice but just did not suit her that much! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD LEISA! and why did you have to go?from finlaexxx

