Created by emma 16 years ago
I remember Leisa as a child being a dare devil, she would try just about anything scary. When she was a about 9 the boys around our area were makeing a jump ramp for their bikes Leisa voluntered to be part of the ramp and lay on the floor so the boys could jump over her!! Only problem was as she was waiting she got fed up and just as a bike came alone she sat up and was hit hard between the eyes by a flying peddel. She had a scar from that. Also when she was around the same age she pushed the ice cream van away as it drove off and got her hand stuck, the ice cream man dragged her round the corner and she scraped her legs in the road. Not surprisingly she had a few scars from that to and was mocked forever about it by everyone who new. had some flash backs about my sis today, good ones about how she loved to take the micky out of me. She always reminded everyone what a bad cook i am. She would say "it takes you a loaf to make two decent slices of toast Emma! Another one was god em the kids dinners not black enough put it back in the oven before the kids think its still raw!! she only ever once said "no actually that was quite nice" id cooked her a roast one sunday. she quickly added "the peas didnt bounce once or break the window when i threw one darling, well done!!.... it was funny and when i think of it i see her laughing. She always had me in stiches laughing and thats one of the things i miss the most. Basically our ability to act stupid with each other and not care.

